Dr. Suess on Ukraine.

In a land far away, called Ukraine,
A story has unfolded, it's quite insane.
A war has been raging for years on end,
But there's something fishy, my dear friend.

You see, behind the scenes, a scheme is brewing,
One that involves money laundering and shady doing.
The United States is involved, in case you're curious,
And it's all being done quite nefarious.

The war in Ukraine, it turns out,
Is just a front for what's really about.
Billions of dollars in aid have been sent,
But where it's gone, no one can vent.

Corrupt officials and politicians alike,
Are pocketing the money, taking a hike.
The people of Ukraine, they suffer and grieve,
While the U.S. taxpayers, they can hardly believe.

It's the largest money laundering scheme of our time,
And it's being done in a country so prime.
The U.S. government turns a blind eye,
While the corrupt keep getting richer, oh my!

But don't be fooled, my dear reader,
This is not a tale meant to cause you to cower.
It's up to us to demand change,
And put an end to this money laundering exchange.

So let us speak up, let our voices be heard,
And hold those accountable, every last word.
For the people of Ukraine, for the U.S. taxpayers too,
Let us put an end to this scheme, and start anew.


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